Friday, May 4, 2012

The Pearl - John Steinbeck

"Kino had found the Pearl of the World."

A couple of months ago, I wrote about The Pearl, adaptation by Alfredo Zacarias of the book written by John Steinbeck. The movie is probably the worst movie I have ever seen.

The book is not terrible, but is quite unremarkable, which is probably why it is a required in most American high schools. This is the plot: Kino, a Mexican-Indian pearl diver finds a huge pearl. He tries to sell it to finance a wedding with his wife, a rifle to hunt, a bigger boat, and education for his child. But suddenly, all the town becomes jealous and tries to steal the pearl from him, so Kino ends up killing four people, beating his wife, and getting hurt. His son dies at the end of the story.

The way Steinbeck tells the story makes the diver look like a greedy investment banker.

The morale of the story is: be happy to be poor. If, by any chance, you find anything that can help you improve your life, just throw it to your sea.

Gringos in Mexico...

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